We are privileged to have the opportunity to educate the next generations of clergymen, catechists, and lay leaders of the Holy Church at the Pastoral School. This is a duty and an honor, and we ask your prayers and material support of our efforts!

Most Importantly: Prayers

We sincerely ask the prayers of those who support our efforts! Without the Lord’s blessing any other philanthropy is without use. We have hope that your prayers on our behalf will indeed be heard, and that with this crucial foundation established we will have the opportunity to continue to build upon it.

Join our Mailing List

Please send us your contact information. We promise not to abuse it. But if we can’t get to you we can’t share with you our success and our struggles, and you won’t know when we are in need of support. You can give us your contact information by visiting the link below – it will just take you a minute but it will help us a lot!


Annual Campaign

With the blessing of Archbishop Peter, each year we undertake two major fundraising campaigns in the Pastoral School. Your help is not only appreciated but crucial in making it possible for us to continue to provide high quality theological education to men and women from throughout the world! Many small donations add up quickly and can get us to our goal. Recurring donations are especially helpful. Please donate today and please share this information with friends so that they too can support the Holy Church by helping to prepare its future servant leaders!

Student Scholarship Fund

The first of our campaigns is our Student Scholarship Fund Appeal. Each year from the day we begin classes in the Pastoral School until the fall feast of our patron, St. John of Kronstadt (October 19/November 1), we ask the friends of our Pastoral School to support our Student Scholarship Fund. This fund supports students who are unable to pay the $100/credit hour tuition of the school: monastics, those with low family incomes, and those from currency-poor countries from throughout the world who study in our school. We also offer academic scholarships if adequate funds are available in this regard. The 2016 goal for this appeal is $5,000.

Donate now using the form on our Populi website:


Or, donate via PayPal:

Faculty Stipend Fund

The second of our campaigns is our Faculty Stipend Fund Appeal. Each year from the day of the winter commemoration of our patron, St. John of Kronstadt (December 20/January 2), until the feast of the Meeting of the Lord (February 2/15), we ask the friends of our Pastoral School to support our Faculty Stipend Fund. This fund support the stipends we pay to our faculty, who are the foundation of our school’s academic quality. Although the stipends we pay our faculty are not large, nonetheless, it is important that we support them as we are able. Your gift to this fund helps ensure that our faculty have the financial freedom necessary to dedicate themselves to the theological education of the next generation of leaders of the Holy Church. The 2017 goal for this appeal is $5,000.

Donate now using the form on our Populi website:


Or, donate using Paypal:

Spanish Language Instruction Fund

With the blessing of Archbishop Peter of Chicago & Mid-America and Bishop John of Caracas, the Pastoral School is pleased to offer the first and only comprehensive Orthodox Christian theological educational program in Spanish available in the world beginning in February 2017. The vast majority of the students who will undertake study in the Spanish program will be from weak currency countries. Thus, most will be unable to pay any significant tuition to the Pastoral School. Nonetheless, this program is so important for the growth of the Church in the Spanish speaking world that we have decided to undertake it, trusting that the Lord, through the prayers of our patron St. John of Kronstadt, and the generosity of our donors, will somehow make this financially feasible. Please join us today in supporting this important missionary effort by making a donation to our Spanish Language Instruction fund. The goal for this appeal in the 2016-17 academic year is $10,000.

Donate now using the form on our Populi website:


Or, donate using Paypal:

Partnership Support Fund

The Pastoral School feels strongly that active partnership with higher education theological institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church/Moscow Patriarchate is an important aspect of making the continuing reconciliation of the Russian Church a real, living effort that will bear spiritual fruit, and that this is fully within the spirit of the Act of Cannonical Communion signed by the ever memorable Patriarch Aleksey II and Metropolitan Laurus on the day of the Ascension 2007. We dedicate significant resources to this effort, and ask the prayerful and material support of our students, faculty, staff, and friends in this regard. Please pray that the Lord will bless our efforts. And if you are in an position to do so, please consider making a donation to help us in this regard:


Or, donate using Paypal:

The Pastoral School presently has a Partnership Agreement with St. Petersburg Theological Academy. It is our hope to announce additional Partnership Agreements in the near future.

Recurring Donations

We are very thankful for those that support our Pastoral School! We ask all our supporters to consider establishing a recurring donation to the school via the Automated Clearing House program (ACH), or using a credit card or electronic check. Recurring donations help establish a foundation of philanthropic support – support we can count on each month to help us to do the work that we are privileged to do in the Pastoral School. Of course we will not refuse large regular donations, but we encourage all who are able to make even a small monthly donation to do so and to urge like-minded friends and loved ones to do so as well. Many small donations can add up quickly. The widow’s mite was praised by the Lord. This is not forgotten here – all support is greatly appreciated and very much needed!

The school’s ACH form is here – using this form you establish a monthly gift of your choice to be transferred from your checking or savings account to the Pastoral School (the funds are transferred directly without any third party processing) – please print the form out and send it to us at the postal or email address listed on it:


The school’s electronic check and credit card donation page establishes something similar to the ACH process (a monthly recurring donation), but using the bank information or credit card information that you provide via our secure electronic processing page:


We understand that for some it will be more convenient to use ACH, while for others it will be more convenient to use the secure electronic processing page. Please let us know if you have questions about this – we want to make it as easy as possible for you to support the Pastoral School and thus we provide as many options as possible for you.

Major Gifts/Planned Giving/Questions

Those who are interested in making a major gift to the Pastoral School, or who would like to arrange for the Pastoral School to receive support as part of a planned giving arrangement (transfer of stock, estate planning gift, etc.), or who have any questions about our philanthropic efforts whatsoever, are asked to contact the Dean of the Pastoral School, Fr. Gregory Joyce at:

Email: fr.gregory.joyce@orthodoxtheologicalschool.org
Phone: 734-649-5746
Post: P.O. Box 658, Saline, MI 48176

Thank you for your support of the Pastoral School!

Copyright 2025 Orthodox Theological School