Thanks to the generous support of the Fund for Assistance of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia the Pastoral School is pleased to provide two distinct scholarship opportunities to its students. Scholarships are available only for a complete academic year. Deadline for receipt of the application materials is August 15. Please note: this is not a postmark deadline but a receipt deadline. Materials received after this date will not be considered. Materials should be sent to:

Very Rev. Fr. Gregory Joyce, Dean
P.O. Box 658
Saline, MI 48176

Scholarship Track I – Need Based Scholarships

The need-based scholarship is open to all students of the Pastoral School (that is, both entering students and those previously enrolled for any period of time). The maximum award any student will be eligible to receive in any one academic semester is $900. To be eligible for this scholarship the student must enroll full time (9 credits per semester) for the academic year in which the scholarship is awarded. Criteria for the need-based scholarship are:

  1. Agreement on the part of the student to serve a parish of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR) for not than less than three years following graduation from the Pastoral School as a clergyman, pastoral assistant, church school teacher, catechist, or in some other similar capacity.
  2. Demonstrated financial need. Students who apply for the need-based scholarship must include a notarized copy of their last year’s tax return as part of the scholarship application. Single students with a yearly gross income greater than $30,000 are not eligible for this scholarship. Married students with a yearly family per person (including all dependents) $10,000 gross income are not eligible for this scholarship. Exceptions for extraordinary circumstances may be made by the Dean.
  3. An essay of not more than 250 words explaining the financial need and the student’s plan to serve the Church after graduation.
  4. A letter of recommendation from the student’s Rector attesting to the student’s desire and ability to serve the Church. Additional letters of recommendation may be included, but the letter from the Rector is mandatory – others are optional.
  5. Scholarships will be awarded to students with acceptable essays, recommendations, and demonstrated financial need based on greatest financial need to least financial need until need-based scholarship funds have been exhausted. Partial scholarships may be awarded at the discretion of the Dean. In the event that there are not a sufficient number of students who meet the eligibility criteria for this scholarship in a given year, unused funds will be transferred to the academic scholarship (see below). Students who are eligible for both the need-based and academic scholarships are encouraged to apply for both scholarships.
  6. Students must apply for this scholarship on a yearly basis. Award of this scholarship in one academic year does not constitute a guarantee that the scholarship will be awarded insubsequent academic years.

Scholarship Track II – Academic Scholarships

The academic scholarship is open to students of the Pastoral School with official second year standing (those who have completed the first 18 credits of the Pastoral School). The maximum award any student will be eligible to receive in any one academic semester is $900. To be eligible for this scholarship the student must enroll full time (9 credits per semester) for the academic year in which the scholarship is awarded. Criteria for the academic scholarship are:

  1. Agreement on the part of the student to serve a parish of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR) for not than less than three years following graduation from the Pastoral School as a clergyman, pastoral assistant, church school teacher, catechist, or in some other similar capacity.
  2. Demonstrated academic prowess in the Pastoral School. To be eligible for this scholarship a student must have completed the first full academic year and have a grade point average of not less than 3.50.
  3. An essay of not more than 250 words explaining the student’s plan to serve the Church after graduation and how the academic scholarship will help to fulfill this goal.
  4. A letter of recommendation from the student’s Rector attesting to the student’s desire and ability to serve the Church. Additional letters of recommendation may be included, but the letter from the Rector is mandatory – others are optional.
  5. Scholarships will be awarded to students with acceptable essays, recommendations, and demonstrated academic prowess from highest grade point to lowest until academic scholarship funds have been exhausted. Partial scholarships may be awarded at the discretion of the Dean. Students who are eligible for both the need-based and academic scholarships are encouraged to apply for both scholarships
  6. Students must apply for this scholarship on a yearly basis. Award of this scholarship in one academic year does not constitute a guarantee that the scholarship will be awarded in subsequent academic years.
  7. If the student’s grade point average falls below 3.50 after the first semester of the academic year in which the scholarship has been awarded the scholarship will be revoked for the second semester of that academic year. The student may appeal the revocation of the scholarship through the writing of an essay of not less than 250 words due within 10 days of the end of the first semester to the Dean. Re-institution of a revoked scholarship is solely at the discretion of the Dean.

The Fund for Assistance - Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
Fund for Assistance to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

Copyright 2025 Orthodox Theological School